Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Nearing a year!

My beautiful, smart, strong, silly, shy yet wild Lyla Rose. As I sit here and watch you sleep, I cannot even believe we will be celebrating your entry to this planet in less than two weeks. It seems like yesterday that we found out I was pregnant, heard your strong and steady heartbeat, saw your perfectly sweet face, and held you for the very first time.

I still struggle to find words to describe the feelings I have experienced since becoming your mother. The word that pops into my head most is grateful(followed closely by challenging. The best challenge!). I prayed for you for so long, went through much heartache and struggle, but if I had ever known the reward for all of this said heartache and struggle, you, I'm not sure I would have batted an eye.

You make my life complete. I adore every second with you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. You are a joy to have as a daughter. And I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you. I pray to God every night that you stay healthy, happy, safe, and that you will be able to live life to its absolute fullest.

I love you. I carry your heart(I carry it in my heart).


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Forever Young

For you, my beautiful, spunky, intelligent, free spirited baby...Lyla Rose. I wish you all of this. I couldn't love you any more.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Almost 6 months...

...since our lives changed forever! Lyla, as you sit next to me, snoozing, I get teary eyed. You are the most perfect and amazing thing in my life. Making you laugh with my funny faces and silly dance moves is all I live for these days! I made you some different foods to try, you loved them all! Squash, sweet potato, avocado, banana, applesauce. You are sitting up and talking all of the time, growing up so fast. I can't wait to hear those first words come out of your mouth. I was singing to you today...as I do a lot. The look in your eyes made my heart skip a beat! Such a young human being, but there was such wisdom and such a wistful look in your baby blues, I just got choked up and had to pause the song! I just love you, my special little babe.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Lyla, you are now 3 months old. You smile at me and it lifts my soul. You lie your head on my shoulder and I don't ever want to let you go. You babble and coo and I feel like I understand every sound you make. You have brought your father and I so much joy and happiness, I get on my knees and thank God for you. I hope you always know how loved you are and how important you are.

We made a wish, and you came true.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

T minus 2 DAYS!

Good morning Lyla!

I am on day 2 of my maternity leave. I chose to stop working on Friday, after my feet swelled up to the size of hams...also, secretly thought you might have come into the world this past weekend. But you didn't, and that's just fine!

Both grandmas are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their granddaughter! You are going to be so loved and...yes...spoiled! :)  I was the first granddaughter too, I turned out okay.

It is a beautiful spring morning. It's supposed to be sunny and 70 today. Seems like a wonderful day to come into the world! I've had LOTS of braxton hicks contractions, and a few regular ones, but not enough to send me to the hospital. I've just been cleaning and packing, eating, listening to music, trying to keep busy until your arrival!

I have a doctor's appointment today, we will see what she says about how much progress my body has made. Until then, you just keep dancing around in my belly!